5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About.

There are five undiscovered Google Pixel 8 features that all users should be aware of.

5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About.

Google, Samsung, and Xiaomi are the industry leaders in producing high-end Android smartphones with state-of-the-art CPUs and cutting-edge technologies. That’s why the October 2023 unveiling of the Google Pixel 8, which positioned itself as a formidable rival to the Xiaomi 14 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, two smartphones that were released earlier that year and had the most cutting-edge features available in the flagship smartphone market, did not come as a surprise.


5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About, There are certain things that you might not notice right away when you start using the phone, even with all the large features and enhancements that have been disclosed, such a brighter display, enhanced AI functions, and a camera system. These are some hidden but helpful features that you could come across when you’re really bored and start idly tinkering with your device’s settings. Here are five of these Google Pixel 8 features to help you find them without having to go through the hassle.

5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About.

AI Summarize

5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About

In this way, 2023 is fundamentally the extended period of simulated intelligence, and considering that we’re moving toward its finish, it’s impossible that you haven’t utilized any artificial intelligence stages. Organizations are going off the deep end attempting to sort out some way to incorporate computer based intelligence into their frameworks.

This reaches from the design business utilizing computer-based intelligence to show how apparel will show up on virtual portrayals of purchasers to understudies depending on ChatGPT for tasks and general scholastic errands. Cell phones have fundamentally improved their highlights by integrating computer based intelligence into their product. One such model is a secret element of the Google Pixel 8, which has a man-made intelligence partner consistently incorporated into the ordinary Google Collaborator.

Assuming you’re interested to test this out, open your Chrome program. Holding down the side button or utilizing the expression “Hello Google” will enact your Google Partner. Here, you’ll find another button marked “sum up.” Tap that, and Google will make a rundown of the items in the page you’re on, whether it’s information, a blog, or Wikipedia, in straightforward list items. Nonetheless, you ought to realize that this secret element presently has constraints; it works just in the U.S. In the event that you don’t see it on your gadget, have confidence that endeavors are on to stretch out its accessibility to all nations soon.

Now Playing

Have you at any point ended up walking around the street, and out of nowhere, this wonderful tune begins impacting from a vehicle, a public showcase, or eatery speakers somewhere far off? Instinctually, you connect for your telephone. On the off chance that you have the Shazam application introduced, you open it, tap the button, stand by a couple of moments, and shortly, you have the melody’s name.

On the off chance that not, you’d have to physically open the aide application and solicitation it to recognize the melody for you. Be that as it may, in the event that you’re utilizing a Google Pixel 8, don’t bother downloading outsider applications or go through lengthy cycles to distinguish a close by tune.

Simply go to your telephone settings, tap in plain view, pick lock screen, look down, and hit the “Presently Playing” choice. When you initiate this component, it shows the names and specialists of tunes playing close by on your lock screen. This component will be extremely valuable for people who are continually hoping to refresh their playlists with those arbitrary wonderful melodies they run over, no matter what their area.

Audio Eraser

Rather than downloading modern and befuddling video altering instruments to apply fundamental yet valuable alters to your recordings in the wake of recording them on your gadget, the Google Pixel 8 kicks it up a score. It permits you to play out these alters as a matter of course in your Photographs application. To utilize this component, open a video in your Photographs application, tap on Alter, go to Sound, and afterward select Sound Eraser.

This component filters your video for diverting sounds and helps you in decreasing them. This incorporates nature sounds, for example, birds peeping, a wolf wailing, a close by stream with surging water, clamor from groups, and wind sounds that could stifle your voice and influence discourse quality.

You have a slider to change the power of every one of these sounds or totally eliminate them. When you apply these alters to your recordings, they will sound fundamentally better, no matter what your ecological circumstances.

Hidden Gestures

While there are a ton of normal motions accessible on your Google Pixel 8 that you ought to be know about on the off chance that you’ve been involving Pixel telephones or Android gadgets overall —, for example, twofold tapping your screen to focus in on guides or pictures, long-pushing on the home screen to redo gadgets, and swiping back on an application page to explore to the past or next page — there are likewise a few secret signals on your Pixel 8 that you probably won’t see immediately. A portion of these motions need manual initiation and are not turned on of course for your Cell phone.

Most importantly, look at your settings, then, at that point, continue to Show > Route mode > Motion route settings. When on this page, tap the little stuff symbol to one side of the Signal route mode. Here, you can empower a choice that permits you to bring your Google Colleague by swiping up from the base corner of your screen.

5 Hidden Google Pixel 8 Features Every User Should Know About, In addition, you can investigate more signals by going to your Settings application and afterward choosing Framework > Motions. In this part, you’ll find every one of the signals for your Google Pixel 8 cell phone. Among these is the capacity to redo speedy taps on the rear of your telephone to start activities, for example, turning on the electric lamp, taking screen captures, seeing late applications, or in any event, opening a particular application.

Live Translate

In any case, it’s prudent to keep this off, particularly assuming you’re accustomed to squirming and tapping the rear of your telephone every now and again.

The Live Decipher highlight isn’t new; it was presented with the send off of the Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Genius gadgets in 2021. It has likewise been shared and coordinated into other Android gadgets. In any case, as the Live Decipher highlight was created by Google, it is improved essentially for Pixel cell phones.

Dissimilar to other Android gadgets that depend on cloud-based interpretation, with Pixel telephones, you decipher stuff right on your gadget, making the entire interaction way faster. The Live Decipher highlight addresses a huge progression in conquering language boundaries over text and sound. With this component, speaking with unfamiliar companions becomes simpler, with you not expecting to battle to grasp their messages or to decipher your own messages each time over the web before you send them over.

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